2014年10月18日 星期六

Epi 352 Grand round 2014-10 Fungal infection

楊建章 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

2014年8月21日 星期四

Epi 340 CGU-IM-2014 Cancer treatments


Epi 339 CGU-IM-2014 Lymphomas

洪玉馨 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 338 CGU-IM-2014 Hema anemai, PNH, PRCA, MPN, MDS


Epi 337 CGU-IM-2014 Oncology core course Oncologic emergencies


Epi 336 CGU-IM-2014 GI non core hepatoma


Epi 335 CGU-IM-2014 GI core course


Epi 334 CGU-IM-2014 Colon cancer


Epi 333 CGU-IM-2014 Infection non-core


Epi 332 CGU-IM-2014 Dm, Metabolic syndrome, dyslipidemia


2014年8月16日 星期六

Epi 329 CGU-IM-2014 AKI CKD PD HD


Epi 328 CGU-IM-2014 Sepsis and septic shock


Epi 327 CGU-IM-2014 Common renal diseases


Epi 326 CGU-IM-2014 Approach to the Patients with Renal Diseases


Epi 325 CGU-IM-2014 Valvular Heart Disease


Epi 324 CGU-IM-2014 Skin and Soft Tissue Infection


Epi 323 CGU-IM-2014 Pleural Disease

鐘福財 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 322 CGU-IM-2014 Noninvasive Cardiac Imaging


Epi 321 CGU-IM-2014 Lung cancer


Epi 320 CGU-IM-2014 Infective endocarditis


Epi 319 CGU-IM-2014 HIV and AIDS


Epi 318 CGU-IM-2014 Fever of unknown origin


Epi 317 CGU-IM-2014 CAD


Epi 316 CGU-IM-2014 Hypertension


Epi 315 CGU-IM-2014 Tuberculosis


Epi 314 CGU-IM-2014 Respiratory failure


Epi 313 CGU-IM-2014 Pneumonia


2014年5月15日 星期四

Epi 301 Basic CXR reading 5 mediastinum

Chest 鐘福財 2014-5 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 300 grand round chest VILI in ARDS

Chest 高國晉 2014-5-13 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 299 MMI pregnant woman with hepatitis

R3 黃鈞麟 F1 王俊偉 GI 陳威廷 2014-5-15

2014年5月3日 星期六

Epi 298 e learning

心內 張尚宏 醫檢師繼續教育 20140503 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

2014年4月30日 星期三

Epi 297 Social hour something about syphilis

ID 李明勳 梅毒的前世今生 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 296 Educational window end EBM 2014-4

GI F1 鄭雅婷 陳奕原 范峻維 EBM R2 蔡涵宇 陳英傑 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

2014年4月24日 星期四

Epi 295 Basic chest Xray reading tumor 2014-4

胸腔科 鐘福財 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 294 grand round chest

胸腔科 鍾福財 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

2014年4月23日 星期三

Epi 293 MMI hema 2014-4-15

R3 顏琨麒 F1洪廷維 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

2014年4月10日 星期四

Epi 292 Basic chest Xray reading (2) infection 2014-4

胸腔科 鐘福財 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 291 MMI 2014-4 Seizure during HD

R3 彭健榮 F1 蔡教祺 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

2014年3月28日 星期五

Epi 290 Basic chest Xray reading (1) 2014-3

Basic CXR and PE 胸腔科 鐘福財 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 289 EBM 2014-3 CV

呂侑穎 范佩宜 李汶真 吳家棟 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 288 Grand round 2014-3

陳冠興 update of DM nephropathy If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

2014年3月9日 星期日

Epi 287 educational window 2014-2

顏介立 謝君儀 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

2014年2月28日 星期五

Epi 286 Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT)

王俊力 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

2014年2月27日 星期四

Epi 285 ICU orientation Liver failure

陳威廷 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 284 CGU-IM-2014 Echocardiography

王俊力 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 283 CGU-IM-2014 Atherosclerosis

王俊力 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 282 Principles and toxicities of cancer chemotherapy

王正旭 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 281 CGU-IM-2014 Adrenal disease

彭雲杏 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 280 CGU-IM-2014 Hospice

to be checked If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 279 CGU-IM-2014 Diagnostic methods in oncologic patients

陳仁熙 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 278 Peripheral vascular and aortic diseases

張其任 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 277 CGU-IM-2014 Paraneoplastic syndrome

廖宗琦 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 276 CGU-IM-2014 Preventive medicine

蒲秀瑾 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 275 CGU-IM-2014 Osteoporosis and parathyroid bone disease

陳榮福 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 274 CGU-IM-2014 Liver tumors

To be checked If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 273 Pulmonary hypertension, and embolism

賀萬靖 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 272 CGU-IM-2014 Drug, toxic, and alcoholic liver diseases

謝森永 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 272 CGU-IM-2014 Valvular diseases

柯毓賢 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 271 Thyroid diseases

陳思達 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 270 HSCT Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

王博南 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 269 CGU-IM-2014 Autoimmune liver disease

林俊彥 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 267 CGU-IM-2014 Renal tubular diseases

張明揚 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 266 CGU-IM-2014 Pancreatitis

何玉彬 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 265 CGU-IM-2014 Cardiomyopathies and myocarditis

林佳濱 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 264 CGU-IM-2014 Interstitial lung diseases

蔡熒煌 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

2014年2月21日 星期五

Epi 263 CGU-IM-2014 Cirrhosis and complicastions

許朝偉 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 262 CGU-IM-2014 Renal artery stenosis and polycystic kidney disease

田亞中 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 261 CGU-IM-2014 Bronchial asthma, disorders of ventilation, including sleep apnea

林鴻銓 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 260 CGU-IM-2014 Peptic ulcer and related diseases

林偉彬 31min之後沒錄到。PDF of Slides.

Epi 259 Arthritis inflammation of bones and joints

陳基益 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 258 CGU-IM-2014 Acute respiratory failure

高國晉 黃崇旂 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 257 CGU-IM-2014 Congenital heart dieases

黃茂盛 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 256 CGU-IM-2014 Infective endocarditis, cardiac tumors, and systemic diseases involving the heart

褚柏顯 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 255 CGU-IM-2014 Occupational lung diseases

謝孟哲 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 254 CGU-IM-2014 Glomerular diseases

尤俊成 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 253 CGU-IM-2014 Echocardiography

王俊力 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 252 CGU-IM-2014 Prevention of atherosclerosis

王俊力 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 251 CGU-IM-2014 Principles and toxicities of cancer chemotherapy

王正旭 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 250 CGU-IM-2014 Congestive heart failure, hypertension, and cardiovascular pharmacology

葉勇信 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 249 CGU-IM-2014 Samonellosis and infectious diarrhea

楊建章 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 248 CGU-IM-2014 Applied cardiovascular anatomy and physiology

周星賢 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 247 CGU-IM-2014 Physical examination of the heart

周星賢 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 246 CGU-IM-2014 Pneumonia

林恕民 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 244 CGU-IM-2014 肺結核診斷與治療 胸超與支鏡

林恕民 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 245 CGU-IM-2014 Neoplastic Diseases of the Lung

劉劍英 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 243 CGU-IM-2014 Bronchiectasis

王圳華 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 242 CGU-IM-2014 台灣常見的寄生蟲

謝顯森 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 241 EBM 2014-1-21

F1 洪家燕 VS 廖宗琦 王宏銘 今日起Episode編碼與長庚醫學系lectures混編 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

2014年2月19日 星期三

Epi 240 CGU-IM-2014 Hypothalamus and pituitary part 2

新代科 郭昇峰 今日起Episode編碼與長庚醫學系lectures混編 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 121 ICU orientation nephro

腎臟科 塗昆樺 2014-1-24 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 120 MMI 2014-2-18

R3 黃鴻育 F1 吳儁峰 VS 林士為 徐正龍 洪玉馨 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 119 MMI 2014-2-11

R3林育樟 F1盧政諱 VS 周百謙 黃崇旂 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

2014年1月26日 星期日

Epi 118 How to read a chest xray

胸腔科 黃建達 2014-1 upload If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

2014年1月4日 星期六

Epi 117 Education window 2013-12

胸腔科 F1 林錞語 VS 張博瑞 If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/

Epi 116 Social hour 2013-12

胸腔科 羅友倫 Sleep (audio only) If you can't access old podcasts, please visit http://cghim.blogspot.tw/ 如果在itunes看不到以前的podcast,請直接從browser訪問http://cghim.blogspot.tw/